How Much Air Do I Put In My Tires?

One of the most common questions we get is how much air do I put into my tires? With too little air in your tires, more of the tire's surface area is exposed causing friction. This can make the tires wear out before they should or even overheat, which can be very dangerous. Overheating causes the treads to separate and this is when accidents can occur. Low tire pressure can also put unnecessary stress on other parts of your vehicle like the motor. 

On the other hand, too much air in your tires can have an equally negative effect. With too much pressure, less of the tire is exposed to the ground making for a bumpier ride. This also gives you less stability, especially when driving in the elements. 

Tires will lose 1-2 PSI per month from regular wear and tear. Tire pressure also can change with the temperature. Tire pressure decreases by about 1 PSI for every 10-degree drop in outside air temperature. Don't let an easy fix ruin your car. The recommended tire pressure for your vehicle will always be in the Vehicle Manual, but most cars call for between 32-35 PSI. The maximum PSI that a tire can hold is on the side of the tire. Another place to find the recommended PSI is on the inside of your driver side door, near a VIN code. 

Every Thursday we will be answering common repair questions that can make you more knowledgeable about your vehicle while saving you loads of money in the process. If you have any suggestions about a topic or have a specific question, please do not hesitate to send it to